How To Fix The 4 Most Common Magento Errors
There are a lot of issues you can run into when using Magento to manage your online shop. Coming across any of these Magento errors can be quite frustrating. To further worsen the situation, Magento does not provide a detailed guide on how to go about fixing these errors. Instead, an error page pops up on your screen telling you to read the error dump (report). For someone new to the Magento platform, the error dump is not a great place to look for information that can help to fix these common Magento errors.

Here are the solutions to 4 common errors users encounter when using Magento to manage their e-commerce business:
1. Difficulty in Configuring Magento to work With a New Domain: There are two ways to configure Magento to work with a new domain: clearing the Magento cache or editing the Magento database. The location of the Magento cache folder is the Magento installation directory >/var/cache. Deleting the folder will clear the cache. You can fix a lot of Magento issues by simply deleting the Magento cache folder.
To edit the Magento database, go to your cpanel >phpMyAdmin. The Magento database is in the left hand side of the menu. Enter the Magento database and look for a table called the core_config_data. Edit the first two fields on the table by clicking on the pen icon in front of the fields. Replace the old domain name with your new domain and click on the ‘Go’ button to save your new settings.
2. Difficulty in Enabling Search Engine optimized (SEO friendly) URLs in Magento: If you are having this problem, this is what you should do. Click on the configuration button in your Magento administration area. Enter the system navigation menu and click on switch to web page on the sub-navigation panel to load the web page.
After the web page has finished loading, a lot of blue lines representing closed option tablets will appear. Enter into the SEO tab and click on the yes button on the Use Web Server Rewrite panel. Save the changes you have made to enable your Magento SEO friendly URLs.
3. Slow Page Load: Many Magento errors result from slow page load of the Magento application. The page load speed of Magento can be increased by either improving your code base or upping your server performance. If your Magento store is misconfigured you would need to address the problems on the code level and remedy whatever is wrong. If your Magento store has an adequate code base you may
4. Access Denied Issue: In most cases this problem can be solved by simply logging out and logging in again into the Magento administration panel, you can resolve this issue. However, if logging out and re-logging in does not resolve the access denied issue, then you should go and reset your admin privileges. You can reset the admin privileges of Magento by entering your admin area and clicking on the system tab. Click on permissions on the system tab, select roles, and enter administrators. When you get to administrators, enter the Role Resources Option, set your Resource Access to all, and save the changes you have made. Your access denied issue will be resolved.