A Snapshot of Simultaneous Usage
The increased penetration of devices that facilitate connection and communication also allow us to engage in simultaneous usage or what we commonly refer to as multi-tasking. As we watch TV, we also shop, email, engage with friends through social media platforms or check sports scores. Americans are truly making the most of the technology at their fingertips!
Simultaneous Usage Insights
- 85% of tablet/smartphone owners use their device while watching TV at least once a month with 40% of the doing it daily
- 41% use their tablet device while watching TV while 39% use their smartphone
Tablets and TV
Skews Older: Age groups 25-34 and 55-64 are the most likely to use their tablets multiple times per day while watching TV.
Typical Activities
Seeking Information – 36% of people 35-54 and 44% of people 55-64 use their tablets to dive deeper into the TV program they are currently watching.
Surfing and e-Mailing – 55-64 are the heaviest web surfers and email checker on tablets during commercial breaks and programs.
Sport Scores – Nearly a third of all tablet users aged 25-64 check sports scores on their tablets while watching TV.
Smartphones and TV
Skews Younger: Nearly half of 18-24 year olds use their smartphones while watching TV at least once per day.
Typical Activities
Social Media – 44% of 18-24 year olds and close to 50% of 25-34 year olds are visiting social networking sites on their smartphones during both commercials and programs while watching TV.
e-Mailing – is the heaviest simultaneous smartphone activity across all demos, with over 50% of users checking during commercials and programs.
Shopping – 29% of 25-34 year olds shop on their smartphones while watching TV.