Google Trusted Store: How it Works
Google Trusted Store is a program that was designed by Google to help customers shop with confidence on the Internet. Online merchants and e-commerce businesses are expected to meet certain thresholds in order to join the Google Trusted Store program. The merchant’s performance metrics for terms of customer service and shipping/fulfillment speed are gauged before they can become part of the program.
Once a business qualifies for Google Trusted Store, your website can display the Google Trusted Store badge on your website to signal to your customers that you adhere to the standards set forth by Google and that it is thus safe for them to shop with you. Customers will receive some purchase protection offered through the Google Trusted Store program, which is free of charge to the customer and the merchant.
Google Trusted Store helps create a better shopping experience
Shoppers are offered to opt into the Google Trusted Store program after their purchase. Google sends an automated survey about the products and services receives and Google may also facility between the customer and merchant in cases where they cannot mutually resolve an issue.
Google Trusted Store focuses on the merchant and shoppers alike, by helping merchants build up their brand and reputation, while indicating to shoppers that they can buy with confidence. Google provides an objective way for e-commerce websites to verify that the business provides great customer service and fulfills orders quickly and reliably; two things every online shopper has come to expects.
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