How to #Hashtag Effectively for E-Commerce

Hashtags are becoming more prevalent in the social media marketing world. However, in case you haven’t been acquainted with it, we’re here to help.
Hashtags (#) are used on twitter, Instagram, vine, tumblr, facebook, and pinterest as a filter system. When you hashtag a picture or post with a certain word or phrase, it allows people searching for that specific word or phrase to find it easier. When it comes to e-commerce, hashtags can be used to optimize search results and to easily reach target audiences.
As the social media world expands, hashtags are also expected to expand across platforms. For example, if you post something with hastags on Twitter, it should be transferrable to Facebook with the same trends.
Although there are a lot of popular social hashtags going around, they’re not necessarily effective for e-commerce. Below are some tips to effectively hashtag for your e-commerce business.
1. Content. The content of a hashtag is very important. A hashtag (#) is followed by uppercase and lowercase letters or numbers. There cannot be any spaces or unique symbols (!@$%^&*()<>) because those character indicate the end of the hashtag.
Correct: #Harapartners, #Harapartnerlovesecommerce
Incorrect: #Hara Partners, #HaraPartners<3E-commerce
2. Don’t Overuse Hashtags. Too much of a good thing can turn out to be a bad thing. It can turn off or confuse a reader to see a mass of hashtags. Generally, we recommend 3-5 hashtags max for twitter since there is a character limit, and 6-10 max for other platforms.
Correct: Check out the new Hara Partners blog! #ecommerce #harapartners #coolblogs
Incorrect: Check out the new Hara Partners blog! #ecommerce #harapartners #coolblogs #blogs #hara #partners #consulting #onlinesolutions #ilovehashtags #newblog #newpost #checkitout #haveyouseenthis #newblogpost
3. Choose the best hashtag. There might be a million hashtags that are relevant to your post but choose the best one. Think about what is most likely to be searched along with which hashtag would reach the best audience.
Correct: Check out the new Hara Partners blog! #ecommerce #harapartners
Incorrect: Check out the new Hara Partners blog! #shopping #onlineblog
4. Relevance. It might be tempting to hashtag your posts with the most popular hashtags so that it will reach a broader audience, however this is a bad idea because you could be labeled and punished for being a spammer.
Correct: Check out the new Hara Partners blog! #ecommerce #harapartners
Incorrect: Check out the new Hara Partners blog! #selfie #byefelicia #WCW
If you have any other questions about how to use hashtags, please comment below. We would love to hear from you. #contactus