Magento Connect to Upgrade Search Algorithm at Long Last
Magento Connect has not only been revamped it’s design with the overall Magento website, but at long last, improved it’s poor search algorithm.
Only weeks ago any search on Magneto connect resulted at best in vaguely related search results, most of them heavily diluted with popular themes as the algorithm seemed to be solely based on the popularity of the Magento Connect entry.
For Example, the search for “live chat” resulted in about 50% related hits on the first page, while Magento themes and order extensions that metion the word “live chat” in their description, but have nothing to do with live chat technology would appear even in the first result spot.

It’s refreshing to see the recent updates to the search algorithm. It’s sawfe to say that they have been overdue after 5 years!

Let us know what you think of the recent changes. Have you been able to find more relevant results or had you already given up on Magento Connect? Please leave a comment and share your feedback with us.