Meet Duke, Hara Partners’ Official Mascot
If you’ve been to our 404 page, you might have seen the picture of this cute little puppy here. His name is Duke, and he’s our official office mascot.

Not many offices in New York have their own awesome Yorkie to play with, but we do. Duke is actually smart enough to develop websites himself, but instead he chooses to sleep all day in his office, and he only programs when he feels like it. Sometimes he doesn’t even let the humans do their jobs, because he’s constantly barking, or playing at our feet. In fact, one time he even jumped on top of one of our content writers’ desks and started replacing all his work on the keyboard. The text looked like this:
Which made us all start thinking that maybe Duke had some anger issues, and we had to take him to a psychiatrist… But since then, he hasn’t acted up all that badly. He mostly just keeps to himself, and sleeps in his bed. Sometimes he eats way too much dog food. But he’s a cool dog to hang with, even though he doesn’t speak English, and he’s not very educated in matters of politics and fine dining…

Yes, he’s actually very American in terms of his perspective on life sometimes. Sometimes it doesn’t mesh too well with an office full of geniuses… But he’s still young, and we can still teach him the finer points of life in due time, like a meal at Red Lobster… (That is where upper class dogs eat, right?)
If you want to learn more about Duke, his life, his hobbies, and his secret love life, please follow him on his very own Instagram, World’s Friendliest Dog… Speaking of which, we should bug him to update it.