Messenger marketing tools for e-commerce
The importance of messenger marketing
Messenger marketing is a relatively new thing in ecommerce marketing. The rise of messenger apps has also increased their importance in the marketing of products and brands alike. They are different types of messenger apps. One very important messenger app is whatsapp. The messenger app has taken the e-commerce marketing sector by storm. The best part about this app is that it comes totally free. A large number of online businesses depend on messenger apps to keep their customers on their sites or to help their customers need any help on their website.
Chatbots messenger marketing
Chatbots have become a very integral part of e-commerce messenger marketing. They are especially good for small e-commerce businesses which do not have the finance to hire 24 hour staff for their business. Therefore chatbots offer a path for e-commerce business owners to service their customers automatically without the hassle of hiring twenty-four hour virtual assistants to chat to customers. Chatbots can be programmed to a high level of efficiency. Imagine siri the voice app. It can be programmed to serve your customers to any level you want. Some chatbots are highly sophisticated and they have a CTR of more than 40%. This is higher than the click through rate of email marketing.
Integrated Messenger marketing tools
Integrated messenger marketing tools tend to be easy to use for prospective customers especially if they want inquire on a product they want to buy. Let’s imagine you are running a nutrition supplement e-commerce business. It is most likely that customers will ask for some advice on the product they want to buy. Therefore it is important that the e-commerce store have live chat and messenger apps in order to help the customers efficiently. It’s a method designed to enable better customer and virtual assistant care. Platforms such as Woo commerce and Shopify have live chat messenger apps that you only need to install on your host.
#messenger marketing
#the use of messenger marketing tools
#messenger marketing techniques