NetSuite - Magento Connector - Video-Data Import
Hello everyone, in the previous video, we had an overview of the entire module. In this video, we are going to cover the important parts of setting up data points. So to begin with, let’s begin with all the customers. So in this case, for simplicity let’s assume we just have one group in Magento and one customer category in NetSuite. So let me switch over to my NetSuite panel, alright, you can see I have a lot of customers, real customers and test customers in NetSuite. In Magento, right now there are no customers. So to synchronize NetSuite customers into Magento is very simple.You can go to the command line and run this command under the NetSuite connector and the NetSuite connector script folder, you can just say “customerimport”. What the script does is it’s basically trying to fetch by default all the customers that are created and updated in the last 30 days and is already finished running.
So if I go back to Magento, I will refresh the panel, you can see all the customers are already created and also in conjunction with a previous video, you can also go back to the record map and you can see all these records mapped one to one with NetSuite records. One important part is that if you go to the specific user, not only are the basic account information are here, I also get their address book for primary shipping address is also synchronized. So in this case, our new customer is created for NetSuite so Magento is going to auto generate a password. You can always ask a customer when they log in to reset and get a new password just for security purposes. So after the customers, the next step, I want to show you how to synchronize other products. So let’s go back to config again. Product Panel. So the product panel is a little bit more complicated. The important thing we have to take care of in this panel is basically the pricing information and the stock information.
To understand both structures, let’s go to the NetSuite panel. So let me go to the inventory, so this is an example product. So let’s first look at the pricing. NetSuite allows a pricing structure based on different price levels, so I can specify a default base price based on different groups like for example if it’s wholesale or retail that could be different pricing. In Magento, these kind of structures can be reflected as customer groups so you want to put separate customer groups for whole sale and for retail for different groups.
In addition to that, NetSuite also allows a different pricing based on quantity. So for example, here I said if the product is being ordered for more than 100, then it’s going to be much cheaper and this feature can be mapped into Magento as tier pricing. The other part of the important product set up is the inventory. So in that suite, you can have multiple warehouses, which have quantities available to be sold in a web store. In Magento, you can also specify which store you want to synchronize. So if you go back to Magento you can see my set up of the mapping, I’ve basically created five customer groups. Let me show you, there’s base group, online wholesale group, one to one correspondence to the ones in NetSuite. Then in the configuration panel, I’m going to say the first group, which is the base group is exactly mapped to the first group in NetSuite and etc. Same story with all stock set ups. So like in here, in Magento, I’m basically allowing all the warehouse quantities to be considered available from NetSuite to Magento. So let’s look at all products, in our current store there are no products, again, I’m going to do the same process like I’m going to go back and start a script.