NetSuite Magento Connector - Video - Sales Tax Discount 2
Next, we’re going to look at case number two, where we want the discount to be before the sales tax. So, to begin with, let’s go back again to the tax calculation settings. So, instead of tax before discount, I want a tax after discount, and I’m going to save the config. And at the same time I’m going to change the setting in NetSuite as well, so I’m going to edit this rule, and then just go to accounting. And I’m going to say okay. Now everything is going to be after. Alright, so now right now in both Magento and NetSuite, the discount will be before the tax. So, again, we can start placing the order. I’m going to add another item in the shopping cart, and you can see the 10% discount rule is automatically applied to the subtotal. And also, I’m going to apply my $10 off rule.
Alright, the order updated. Let me proceed to checkout.
So I’m going to use a default billing and shipping address. I’m going to use a flatrate shipping, and again use check or money order. Alright, this is actually the important difference over here—so now you can see, the subtotal is twenty, the discount is twelve. However, the tax supplied under value which is after the discount, so the tax value is lower, and our grand total is $13.71. So I’m going to place the order and I’m going to validate it in NetSuite.
So in NetSuite, let me refresh all my orders. Alright, let’s look at the new order. In this new order, you can see the subtotal is 20, discount is 12, the tax is applied on the value after the discount, and there’s $5 shipping.
So the total again, this time, is $13.71. They match each other. And to validate, we can go to Magento, under sales orders. We will select this new order, and then we’re going to check the order variance. So let me check the order variance… Oh, very good. It’s being validated.
In conclusion, because we can set up many, many different ways how the coupon rules will work in Magento. I do recommend to turn on the order variance feature in the production environment so that quandary will actually check the order variance between each order.
So with all that said, I’m going to conclude this video. Thank you for watching, and hope to see you next time.