Rachel’s Chair by Leo Fong
February 24th was a great and fulfilling day.
Vernon Fong, Creative Director of HARA Partners, directed Leo Fong on an intense photo shoot of Rachel Schnipper’s Aeron Chair. The goal of this shoot was to provide detailed shots of Rachel’s chair so that she can sell and ‘make a lot of money’, per Leo…
Leo helped Vernon set up the studio for backdrop, strobe lighting, moving sand bags, and V flats for the proper lighting. And with great care and precision, Leo positioned the chair for the optimal viewing angle.

Once the chair was in its proper place, Leo put his artistic eye behind the camera and snapped off dozens of shots until Vernon approved of the final image. Look at the wonderful details and positioning of the chairs lever!

After an intense photo shop session for cropping and image manipulation, Leo was happy that he achieved a great day of shooting. We only hope Rachel is happy with the results!

Satisfied with a hard day, Leo decided to show off some of his legendary kung fu skills, the secret art of the Flamingo Style! Be careful because Leo is deadly with his one-legged stance!

Dedicated to my boy. I love you, Leo… love Daddy.